Home > skin care class > Spring is a chance to detox! Get glowing and beautiful skin with good detoxification!

Spring is a chance to detox! Get glowing and beautiful skin with good detoxification!

Hello! My name is Kigawa, and I work for Bi Natural and Milobina.
Continuing on from this, I wanted people to know more about our philosophy as beauty naturals, so I've been writing mini-stories like the history of Milobina stories and the ideal Milobina life, but I think it's about time to share some useful information. and.

It's now late February.

I don't like pollen flying around, but don't you feel excited as the weather gets warmer day by day? As a simple person, just the nice weather makes me happy.

As many of you may know, there is a strong relationship between the strength of sunlight and how cheerful you feel.When you are exposed to sunlight, the hormone serotonin is secreted from your brain, making you feel bright and energetic.

It is said that the reason why people near the equator are exceptionally bright and people in Northern Europe are quiet is said to be due to the amount of sunlight.

By the way, depression is a disease that makes it difficult for the body to secrete serotonin. For people suffering from depression, orange essential oil has a mood-enhancing effect and is sometimes prescribed by psychosomatic doctors.

Oranges are a fruit that grows in areas where the sun shines heavily. This fruit may be packed with the energy of the sun.

That's off topic, but in spring, when your mood, which was calm during the winter, gradually becomes brighter and full of energy, it's time to get rid of the waste that has accumulated due to suppressing your activities during the winter. will do.

For example, your skin.

During the winter, in order to maintain body temperature, we try to keep our pores as close as possible and suppress secretion, which causes our skin to become dry, wrinkled, and sagging.

When the temperature rises in spring, your skin finally begins to produce secretions, but at the same time, it begins to rapidly expel the waste products that were initially accumulated in your pores.

It would be nice if they were pushed out smoothly, but if the amount of waste products is too large or gets clogged in the pores, the immune system kicks in and tries to detox in the form of inflammation, such as pimples and eczema. .

When you experience unexplained skin irritation or your skin goes out of shape, this may be the cause. Oh, but your skin may be irritated by eating too much chocolate (diamonds and sugar lumps) on Valentine's Day, so if that happens, you might want to reconsider your eating habits.

Furthermore, since the temperature in spring varies greatly from day to day, our autonomic nervous system tends to go crazy. The autonomic nervous system is a commander that controls the functions of the whole body in order to maintain a constant body temperature, which is important for life, no matter how the external environment changes.

When it's cold, our bodies try to conserve energy by closing our pores and reducing our activity level. When it's hot, we dilate capillaries and open pores to sweat and lower our body temperature to prevent cells from being destroyed by the heat.If an enemy approaches (including an unpleasant customer or a troubled boss), we secrete adrenaline. While preparing yourself to unleash your firepower, you can also stop your digestive system, which uses unnecessary energy, so you can fight only the enemy...

The autonomic nervous system has a close relationship with two other life-related functions, and if one of them is affected, the other two will also work and change accordingly.

The latter two are immunity and hormones.

The autonomic nervous system, immune system, and hormones work together in close coordination to protect our lives, without ever taking a break, even when we are sleeping.

However, because they are working so meticulously and with no breaks, their autonomic nervous system tends to get tired during seasons like spring when there are large temperature differences. Especially if you are under high stress, your autonomic nervous system can easily collapse.

Then...as a result of that

* Affects immunity → decreases
* Affects hormones → hormonal imbalance

As a result, your skin becomes more prone to roughness.

So, if you are prone to rough skin in spring,

*Think about living a stress-free life
* Be careful when switching to new cosmetics
* Always try to lead a regular life.

I hope you pay attention to these things.

Sleep is especially effective.

Just going to bed at the same time and waking up at the same time will make a difference in how you feel, so give it a try.

Another thing is that it is the season of detoxification, so the organs in your body will be working energetically for detoxification.

It's the liver. It's a lever!

If your liver is working well, detoxifying and detoxifying the unnecessary substances that have accumulated over the winter, waste products excreted from your skin will be reduced, and your skin will remain in good condition even in spring. .

I would like to make some suggestions to keep your liver working properly.

* Plenty of sleep.
The liver actively works while you sleep. In particular, the time between 10pm and 2pm, known as goal time, is golden time for the liver.

* Relieve constipation.
The largest waste product in the body is feces. When you are constipated, toxic substances enter your bloodstream and go to your liver, which means your liver has to work harder.

* Anger control
The liver is also known as the ``organ of anger,'' and it has a deep relationship with anger.The liver of people who are constantly angry tends to become tired, and as a result, it may not be able to cleanse the body sufficiently.

We are creatures that get angry over the smallest things. But it's a very personal thing, and to those around you, it often doesn't seem like something to be particularly upset about. Recently, we have started to hear the term anger management, and managing your anger to maintain a mental state that is kind to your liver is very effective not only for your future life but also for your beauty.

* Intake of herbs
Another option is to take herbal supplements. There are several herbs that are good at supporting liver function.

The most popular isdandelion. This is the root of the Western dandelion. Rich in vitamins and minerals, it helps to maintain your physical condition, which tends to be disturbed, and also energizes your liver and cleanses your body.

Other herbs commonly used to treat liver problems include milk thistle and milk thistle.

Well, spring is a reliable season when the body actively tries to cleanse and detoxify, but what happens if the body is not able to cleanse properly?

Since there is garbage left in each cell, the cells want to do what they want to do and work actively! Even if you think about it, you won't be able to do it enough because the garbage will get in the way.

I don't think it affects me that much when I'm young, but as I get older, it becomes more and more obvious.

for example···

* Even in the summer, my anger doesn't subside
* Metabolism slows down and aging progresses
*Feeling sluggish more often
* Since autumn, I feel that the dryness is worse than usual.
* Stains are more likely to form

There is nothing good about it.

The liver is a detox organ, and at the same time, it also stores nutrients and sends the necessary nutrients into the blood while you sleep. When we don't feel well, we are often told to "eat liver," right?

This is because the liver is packed with all sorts of nutrients!

Thanks to this nutrition, we can create new skin, move energetically, promote the growth of hair and nails, and stay healthy and beautiful.

Another thing is that in spring, your skin tends to become dull. it is···

It's been quite long, soMore next time!

Thank you for reading till the end today♪

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