Home > healthy life > [Morning, Part 1] 100% Natural Milobina Life - A family with kindergarten children

[Morning, Part 1] 100% Natural Milobina Life - A family with kindergarten children

Hello! My name is Kigawa, and I work for Bi Natural and Milobina.

Today, we would like to write about what we think is the ideal Milobina life, which is a little different from the usual formal content.

It's my fantasy that people like this, like this, would be happy with Milobina's items, but first of all, I would like to create a family that is natural, comfortable, and environmentally friendly. We bring you the morning life of Milobina.

Here we go! Today is the morning version of the at-home version with a girl attending kindergarten!

Mom works full-time with shortened hours from 9 a.m. to 4 a.m. at a company in Tokyo. After work, I go shopping, pick up my daughter from extended day care, and prepare dinner.

My father is an IT-related company employee. I work at a company about 30 minutes away from my house by train, and my family lives in an apartment. In a highly competitive industry, not a day goes by without stress.

In the future, my husband and I want to buy a house in the suburbs where we can be surrounded by nature, so we are working hard to save money.

This morning, I was a little late last night, so it was a little hard to wake up, but Mom did her best to make lunch and breakfast. Meanwhile, the father wakes up the child and helps the child get ready in the morning.

It's hard to wake up a child who won't wake up easily. Then Dad pulls out his secret weapon.

it is,100% natural citrus spray, Citrus Magic. I heard that the citrus scent is compatible with children's soft minds and bodies, so I searched for it on the Internet and purchased it.

Before going to bed, I used orange, which calms children's minds and makes them feel happy, and this morning, I used lemon, which helps them wake up and recharges them. It's 100% natural and organic, so it's safe even for small children.

The aroma essential oil is a thick spray, so spray a little lightly at a distance so it doesn't come into contact with your skin.

In an instant, the refreshing, sweet and sour scent of real lemon spread, and even Dad couldn't help but take a deep breath. It's perfect for the morning and mysteriously makes me feel more motivated. I feel like my tired and slightly depressed feelings are going somewhere.

My daughter woke up, lured by such a refreshing scent. Thanks to the scent, I've been in a good mood since this morning. I'm smiling.

Now, let's all have breakfast.

This morning, I had rice, miso soup made with frozen spinach, and stir-fried cabbage and eggs. I also put stir-fried food in my lunch box.

And this is what I eat every morning to prevent the flu and allergies.Homemade probiotic yogurt LKM512.

It's easy to make, and best of all, probiotic yogurt is cheap, so I always use this yogurt for the whole family.

Mom and daughter add honey to add some sweetness. Adding honey to this rich yogurt makes it really delicious! This is our favorite way to eat it.

During cold season, I sometimes get a little excited and use Manuka honey, which has a cold prevention effect.

Recently, this family has become conscious of sustainability in order to protect the environment in order to create a sustainable society.

It's something I can do, but if I can't take it easy, I make a conscious effort to do things like not using plastic bags and not getting chopsticks or plastic spoons at convenience stores.

So instead of buying honey in tubes, I started buying recyclable bottles.

Dad likes raspberry jam. Of course, this one also comes in a recyclable bottle.

Yogurt cannot be recycled if it is in a plastic container or individually wrapped, but milk cartons can be recycled, so you can make it with confidence.

If the whole family eats a liter of yogurt made from a milk carton every morning, it will disappear in no time.

However, if you set it before you go out in the morning, fermentation will be finished by the time you get home, and you'll have yogurt. If you chill it in the refrigerator overnight, you can enjoy freshly made yogurt in the morning, so making yogurt has easily become a habit for this busy family.

Making this yogurt is really easy!

Remove a new 1 liter carton of milk and Meito's LKM512 yogurt starter from the refrigerator, open the mouth of the milk carton fully, shake in the yogurt starter, and grip the lid tightly to prevent it from spilling. ~ Shake 5 times to mix gently, then roll up. Wrap the yogurt around the milk carton, plug it into the outlet, and the set is complete.

Approximately 1 minute to set! It goes by so quickly.

When you're done making yogurt, you can fold it up and store it upright on the edge of a cupboard.It consumes very little electricity, and it's really great! I want to buy a house, so any savings would be helpful.

This yogurt is highly effective in protecting the body from colds and hay fever, and although influenza has been prevalent recently, my family has remained unharmed to this day. I hope I can continue to stay healthy.

It's been 3 years since I started eating yogurt for hay fever, and I used to feel it as soon as it started flying even a little bit, but I don't feel it until the amount increases. I feel like I have fewer allergic reactions. Even during the season, my symptoms have calmed down more than before, so I think it's really important to maintain a healthy intestinal environment.

In order to strengthen their immunity, this family avoids using cold medicine as much as possible and values natural healing power, so in addition to LKM512 yogurt,Aroma is also used.

For one thing, since my daughter takes off her mask quickly, I apply eucalyptus and lavender aroma ointment to her chest in the morning. This is because the aroma's antibacterial power protects your body from viruses during the day. It has a gentle and refreshing scent, so I'm happy when my friends tell me it smells good.

Mom and Dad put just a drop of essential oil blended with antibacterial aroma on their masks and go out. I'm enjoying the refreshing scent while commuting to work, and I feel like the pain of crowded trains has been alleviated. You can literally kill three birds with one stone!

Now, mom will hurry up and get ready in the morning!

All skin care uses 100% natural products. I don't want to use things that are bad for my skin, and I don't want to pollute the environment when washing my face, so I only use 100% natural soaps that can be broken down even if they end up in a river.

It's getting long, so I'll break it up here.

...I'd like to fantasize about the continuation, so please look forward to it!

Thank you for reading to the end today!

see you.

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