The world's first solid soap facial cleanser! Hello. I'm Nonko, the manager of Milobina, a store that sells no foundation at all times. March 16, 2025
I'm confused... Milobina soap sesame soap This is Mariko from Milobina staff. I would like to write about Milobina soap, which is my biggest problem. Previously, the president February 5, 2020
I turned 40. Encounter with soap face wash Hello! This is Mariko from Milobina staff. This is my first blog, so please take a look. It is sudden, January 7, 2020
The point was not the bubbles! Tips for washing your face to keep it clean Hello! My name is Milobina (Beautiful Natural) Kigawa. At Milobina, we place great importance on washing your face with bar soap. November 27, 2019
Is your skin not looking good because you are washing your face incorrectly? Hello! I am Kigawa, representative of Bi Natural Co., Ltd. At Milobina, we place great importance on washing your face with bar soap. now November 25, 2019
Is it true that washing your face with soap dries your skin? Hello! My name is Kigawa and I am the representative of Beauty Natural. It suddenly got cold. Um, bururu, I thought it was a bit early. November 23, 2019
Wash your face up to twice a day! Beautiful skin habits that protect resident bacteria Hello. This is Kikawa, the representative. Milobina's first blog, we hope to help you with all your skin and health concerns. October 9, 2019