Supplements/health foods

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Make the whole family smile

If one person is having a hard time, the whole family will also be feeling bad...To make everyone smile, take care of your health with quality herbal supplements and yogurt on a regular basis.

Herbs have a long history of being used for health and beauty purposes, and with recent advances in research, if they are of high quality, you can see the effects immediately after drinking them.

Another thing that has become clear is that keeping the colon in good condition is essential to staying young and healthy.

Plain yogurt has little effect, but probiotic yogurt can create an ideal intestinal environment.

Convenient purpose-specific blends

Milobina original, ability supplement

Since I discovered Hermedica's organic herbal supplements, I now have fewer hospital visits and can live a more comfortable life.

Experts effectively blend herbs to suit your concerns, such as beauty rough skin, cold prevention, pollen prevention, sleep, and coldness.

We use only the highest quality herbs and freeze-dry them immediately after harvesting to ensure that the nutrients and enzymes are not destroyed.

People who think herbs are just for relaxation will be surprised by their high power and effectiveness. Please protect your whole family with Hermedica supplements.

Also recommended

spring support

Ease the discomfort of sleeping during pollen season! A blend of herbs that are good for the body and can be safely consumed by both adults and children. Drink it early and enjoy the hot spring weather.

clear skin

Approach multiple causes of troubles that have accumulated until now with the power of 5 types of herbs! Drink it carefully and it will lead you to confident skin.

white spark

Have a habit of taking two pills before bed! Get a bright and radiant face with this beauty supplement that contains a lot of vitamin C, polyphenols, amino acids, etc. that are necessary for beauty!

worm hug

For those who suffer from cold! Contains ginger and ginseng to help you stay healthy from the inside out, even in the cold winter.

There is a reason why supplements work.

In search of effective herbs

Eclectic, an American company in Oregon, is said to have shown the world that herbs are truly effective.

Echinacea is now well-known, but there is an episode in which the president, who was a former employee of a pharmaceutical company, took echinacea for a cold one day and was surprised by how effective it was, which led him to start this company.

We are still continuing to research herbs that are rich in ingredients and are effective.

There are many kinds of herbs, and there are many other herbs.

Also recommended


that? Something strange! ? It is effective to drink it as soon as you feel like it! It is also useful for managing the physical condition of pregnant women and those who are breastfeeding.


Calendula to maintain healthy skin! When eaten, it provides lutein, which nourishes the eyes, and is also extremely effective in treating rough skin.

Ginkgo biloba (Ginkgo biloba)

Especially recommended for people who don't have a clear mind as they age, such as making careless mistakes or losing concentration! Great for stiff shoulders and for building a body that is easy to lose weight.

Many others

Blend for different purposes. We offer many 100% organic herbal supplements that even beginners can easily obtain high effects and solve problems properly.

Be able to do everything you want to do

CBD drops cannabidiol supplementation

Our bodies contain a substance called cannabidiol.

Cannabidiol is an important ingredient that regulates the mind and body. If this decreases, your mental and physical balance will collapse, and you may end up living a life where you can't do the things you want to do.

Modern people tend to lack cannabidiol due to stress and lifestyle habits that are not good for the body.

CBD Drops is a valuable supplement that provides us with cannabidiol and allows us to live a life where we can do everything we want.

Also recommended


MCT oil base CBD5%

MCT oil base with a CBD concentration of 5% and low flavor, recommended for beginners. The faint coconut smell is because this oil is made from coconut. It is also famous as a diet oil that does not easily make you fat.

MCT oil base CBD10%

For those who want a little more experience, try 10%. MCT oil base. The faint coconut smell is because this oil is made from coconut. It is also famous as a diet oil that does not easily make you fat.


Hemp oil based CBD15%

Uses hemp oil as base oil. Hemp oil is rich in ingredients that are good for the body. It has a bitter, grassy smell. Recommended for those who want to replenish cannabidiol with a CBD concentration of 15%.

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Propolis extract base CBD30%

Once you get used to CBD, please try this ultra-high concentration as well. The base is alcohol-based propolis with a pungent flavor. Especially recommended during the cold season.

Intestinal environment affects

Bifidobacterium LKM512 increases in the stomach

Maintaining a comfortable intestinal environment is very important for maintaining our beauty, health, and extending our healthy lifespan.

Meito's LKM512 is a nationally recognized functional food that has wonderful effects on the intestinal environment. This is an amazing bifidobacterium that was the first mammal to be confirmed to have an extended lifespan!

In order to achieve beauty, health, and diet success, it is essential to improve your health and intestinal environment. With LKM512 Bifidobacteria, 99% can reach the large intestine alive without being defeated by stomach acid! What's more, it has the wonderful property of sticking to the intestinal wall, making it difficult for it to go out with the stool, and making it more energetic and multiplying!

The whole family should enjoy LKM512 Bifidobacterium Granule Stick, which is highly effective for colds, pollen, skin problems, aging care, etc. We recommend that you continue to take one packet every day or every two to three days with water.

Also recommended

Inoculum (3 boxes)

Delivered in 3 boxes. Manage your health easily with delicious yogurt! Helps keep your skin smooth and build a strong body that can withstand pollen and northern winds!

Inoculum (1 dozen)

5% OFF on set price! You can save even more by buying in bulk! Meito's probiotic yogurt has a very high repeat rate.

first time set

A set that saves you 30%! The set includes 3 boxes of starter bacteria and a simple yogurt maker, so you can start making it the same day you receive it.

Just roll yogurt

It can be folded so it doesn't take up much space for storage! A compact yogurt maker that can be easily wrapped around a milk carton.

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