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for people all over the world

Meadows is a British aroma maker that creates items made with love. The items selected and created by the founder, Darling Payne, who is also a perfumer, are all safe to use.

His kindness and sincerity, which prioritizes helping the weak rather than pursuing profit, is reflected in each product.

There is no compromise in the quality of our products, and Meadows' essential oils are among the top three in the world.

natural skin care

This is real rose water

Darling Payne, who is also a perfumer, chose this Bulgarian rose water for its delicate sensibilities.

Even compared to other rose waters, you will be surprised at the depth of its scent.

We are very particular about quality, and if the quality is not satisfactory, the product will not come to Japan...

Although it is time-consuming, distilling it in a traditional copper kiln means that it has a longer shelf life than regular rosewater.

Thanks to that, we have a unique 100% organic rose water that is completely free of preservatives.

Please enjoy real rose water.

Also recommended

apricot oil

This nutrient-rich oil, containing vitamins and minerals, has the power to smooth out acne scars and brighten your face.

shea butter

It has excellent skin care power and is less irritating, so it is suitable for a wide range of people, such as caring for baby's diaper rash and dry cheeks.

shea balm

A fragrance moisturizing cream that blends moisturizing organic shea butter with Meadows essential oil for different occasions.

lip balm

For dry lips. Make your lips glossy with the power of coconut oil and shea butter! Uses precious organic beeswax.

Fragrant aroma care

Add beautiful scents to your life

Meadows is known for its quality, and its essential oils in particular are among the top three in the world.

Darling Payne, who is also a blending genius, skillfully combines these essential oils to create a wonderful scent.

Please use your knowledge of aromatherapy to create wonderful products that are both effective and fun to use, so that the whole family can use them.

It adds beautiful color to your life.

Also recommended

aroma dead sea salt

You will be impressed by the different effects of concentrated minerals from Dead Sea salt! You can feel it from deep within your body in the bath. Also recommended for preventing rough skin.

aromasia balm

The container can be used on both the face and body and is easy to carry, making it useful as lip balm or hand cream! There are 3 types of scents.

modge spray

A naturally aromatic insect repellent spray that does not contain any chemical ingredients such as DEET. A pleasant fragrance that protects against summer insects. Even for babies♪

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home mist

A 100% natural aroma mist blended with high-quality aromas. There are three types, including Cold Relief, which protects against viruses and pollen, Easy Sleep, which helps you sleep, and a refreshing citrus scent.

essential oil

There is a reason why it feels so good to use it.

Meadows founder Darin Payne travels around the world on his own to create essential oils by contracting only with trusted farmers.

They are very particular about employment, and once they have signed a contract with a farmer, they keep their promises no matter what, and are very thorough in only purchasing products from that farmer. This is often the reason why items are sometimes out of stock.

Essential oils packed with such good energy can be used to make you feel very good.

How to use it: add it to your bath, massage it, put it on a mask, or drop it on your pillow and sleep while being surrounded by its scent.

Living a life where you can experience scents that touch your heart every day is truly a blessing.

Also recommended

tea tree

It is a functional essential oil whose efficacy has been studied the most, and it has excellent purifying power for dirty air. Use it in winter, pollen season, and for air purification.

cold relief

Pollen.Refresh your nose and the spiciness of gohogoho with aroma! Breathe easier with a blend of peppermint, eucalyptus, and lavender.

alarm blend

Reduce impatience, increase concentration, and improve study and work efficiency! Relieve fatigue and swelling with an aroma bath. Fruity and refreshing scent

rose & geranium

For your daily bath. Mix it with cream to enhance the effect ♪ Increase your beauty! It also has aromatic effects that are useful for women's health.

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