Home > Manager Nonko's 3 minute video > [Video] vol.1 You can become more beautiful by reconsidering your usual method of washing your face!

[Video] vol.1 You can become more beautiful by reconsidering your usual method of washing your face!

I'm 52 years old, manager of Milobina Nonko, always with no foundation.

I'm also dressed warmly, but it's suddenly getting colder. How are you doing?

As the weather gets colder, it's the time of year when we start to suffer from more problems, such as our skin suddenly becoming dry and the appearance of fine lines, and if we let our guard down, our skin loses its firmness and looks older.

Especially when you're in your 40s or 50s like me, and I'm 52 years old, when you really relax a little, your skin suddenly starts to look older and you wonder how it will recover. I think there are many people who are having trouble knowing whether it's okay or not.

However, for women, when they reach their 40s and 50s, their hormonal balance changes, and basically female hormones suddenly decrease, causing their skin to lose its moisture and firmness.

Since it's 2020, it can't be helped because it's the law of nature, so I hope you can accept it in a sense, but there are things you can do, so I hope you don't give up hope.

The most important thing is to moisturize, moisturize, moisturize! !

It's easy to understand, isn't it? In any case, you can actually go a long way in preventing skin aging by keeping your skin moisturized, so from now on, please do your best to keep your skin moisturized.

see you!

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